Health of Older Adult Women and Caregivers
What Can Wearable Technology Tell Us About Older Women’s Health?
If you are a woman, 65 years or older, this study is for you
About our study:
We're investigating how wearable devices can help monitor the health of older adult women (age 65 and older). We plan to recruit 2 groups, both informal caregivers and non-caregivers. The informal caregivers are women who provide informal (unpaid) care for family members with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
By conducting this research, we hope to understand how wearable data can measure the health of caregivers and non-caregiver older adult women. We plan to use this information to create better ways to monitor and support the health of older adult women.
Shivangi Bajpai, a doctoral student in the EpiTech Activity Lab, has received fellowship from the American Association of University Women (AAUW) to support the project. AAUW is a non-profit organization that works to advance equality and empower women and girls through advocacy, education, and research.
We are currently recruiting!
65 years or older
(optional) have been caring for a family member with Alzheimer’s dementia for at least 2 years
What we will ask you to do:
You will wear two devices for 8 days keeping your usual routine
Complete a series of surveys
Lab tests (blood draw and blood pressure) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (Optional)
You will receive:
· $25 for wearing the devices for a period of 8 days
· $25 for optional lab tests at UMass Amherst
Who should you contact if interested?
Email a member of the study team: Shivangi Bajpai, Study Coordinator: sbajpai@umass.edu
Complete the survey at the link below